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David's father, David Sr., purchased this farm from his father, Deimer Pinkerton, in 1964. Although David was young at the time, he helped David Sr. with fencing and other farm chores until long after he married.  David married his high school sweet heart, Linda, and before his father's death they planned to go into business together and raise cattle on the farm. David Sr. already had been raising cattle on the farm for years.  Unfortunately in 1986, before the first stock was bought as a partnership, David's father died suddenly. David, then, decided to go forward with the plan to raise cattle on the farm with his mom as his partner.  They purchased Hereford cattle and began the process of learning the cattle business. David worked full time on a regular job, as he was only 38 years old at time and raised cattle also.  He and his mom were partners for a few years until he started on his own with his mom's blessings.  He raised Hereford, Limousine, and other breeds of cattle for several years before hearing from a family member about a breed of cattle called WAGYU.


David purchased two registered fullblood Wagyu cows that had fullblood calves on them in August 2015, which are now also registered. He found that this breed of cattle which originated from Japan is known to be healthier meat for consumption than other breeds in the US.  From the purchase of these Wagyu's, David began the process of learning about flushing cows for their embryos, raising fullblood registered calves and the many avenues of interest that comes with having a breed of cattle that is superior to all other breeds.  As a bonus, he is incorporating his son and daughter, Todd and Heather, into the business in hopes of generations to come being interested in raising this magnificent breed of cattle called Wagyu.

What is Wagyu?

Wagyu, a Japan beef cattle derived from native Asian cattle.  Wagyu refers to all Japanese beef cattle, where "WA" means Japanese and "GYU" means cow.  

Wagyu were originally draft animals used in agriculture and were selected for their physical endurance. This selection favors animals with more intra-muscular fat cells-marbling-which provided a readily available energy source.  Wagyu is a horned breed and the cattle are either black or red in color.  

The unique taste and tenderness of highly marbled Wagyu beef makes for a wonderful eating experience.  Wagyu beef is finding its way into the kitchens of Gourmet cooks and fine restaurants across the US.  Not only is it a delight to savor but it is healthy for you too. Health experts have discovered the mono-unsaturated fat ratio is higher in Wagyu than in other beef and the saturated fat contained in Wagyu is different.  40% is in a version called stearin acid, which is regarded as having minimal impact in raising cholesterol levels.  The marbled Wagyu beef is more beneficial and healthier to human health.

Wagyu is also higher in a type of fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Wagyu beef contain the highest amount of CLA per gram-about 30% more than other beef breeds-due to higher linoleic acid levels.  Foods that are naturally high in CLA have fewer negative health effects. Highly praised for their rich flavor, these cattle produce the finest beef in the world. Due to Wagyu cattle's genetic predisposition, this beef yields a higher percentage of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid than typical beef.  Wagyu beef has high marbling and wonderful flavor. When the Wagyu beef is cooked properly, it can be cut with a fork and has fine texture. The carcasses also have a high yield.

Wagyu cattle are known for their outstanding calving ease. Bull's and heifer's each reach sexual maturity at a young age.  These cattle are a gentle breed and can be handled quiet easily.

For more information please contact Pinkerton Wagyu, LLC.(


Owner - David Pinkerton

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